package Question18_12; import CtCILibrary.*; public class QuestionB { public static int getMaxMatrix(int[][] original) { int maxArea = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // Important! Max could be < 0 int rowCount = original.length; int columnCount = original[0].length; int[][] matrix = precomputeMatrix(original); for (int row1 = 0; row1 < rowCount; row1++) { for (int row2 = row1; row2 < rowCount; row2++) { for (int col1 = 0; col1 < columnCount; col1++) { for (int col2 = col1; col2 < columnCount; col2++) { int sum = computeSum(matrix, row1, row2, col1, col2); if (sum > maxArea) { System.out.println("New Max of " + sum + ": (rows " + row1 + " to " + row2 + ") and (columns " + col1 + " to " + col2 + ")"); maxArea = sum; } } } } } return maxArea; } private static int[][] precomputeMatrix(int[][] matrix) { int[][] sumMatrix = new int[matrix.length][matrix[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix[0].length; j++) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { // first cell sumMatrix[i][j] = matrix[i][j]; } else if (j == 0) { // cell in first column sumMatrix[i][j] = sumMatrix[i - 1][j] + matrix[i][j]; } else if (i == 0) { // cell in first row sumMatrix[i][j] = sumMatrix[i][j - 1] + matrix[i][j]; } else { sumMatrix[i][j] = sumMatrix[i - 1][j] + sumMatrix[i][j - 1] - sumMatrix[i - 1][j - 1] + matrix[i][j]; } } } return sumMatrix; } private static int computeSum(int[][] sumMatrix, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2) { if (i1 == 0 && j1 == 0) { // starts at row 0, column 0 return sumMatrix[i2][j2]; } else if (i1 == 0) { // starts at row 0 return sumMatrix[i2][j2] - sumMatrix[i2][j1 - 1]; } else if (j1 == 0) { // starts at column 0 return sumMatrix[i2][j2] - sumMatrix[i1 - 1][j2]; } else { return sumMatrix[i2][j2] - sumMatrix[i2][j1 - 1] - sumMatrix[i1 - 1][j2] + sumMatrix[i1 - 1][j1 - 1]; } } public static void main(String[] args) { int[][] matrix = AssortedMethods.randomMatrix(10, 10, -5, 5); AssortedMethods.printMatrix(matrix); System.out.println(getMaxMatrix(matrix)); } }